Supplier Engagement and Support

We work shoulder-to-shoulder with our supplier partners throughout our value chain, providing both technical and experiential support, at the direction of the supplier. Our regular and consistent collaboration helps cultivate long-term relationships that support continuous improvement in our procurement programs.

From an environmental perspective, we will continue to build a network of partnerships with farmers and producers to help identify and adopt climate-smart practices. Scalable and self-sustaining solutions will require the full supply chain to engage and collaborate on support for farmers, and GHG emissions reduction projects. As such, sourcing and supply chain initiatives will be foundational to addressing emissions from our company’s global value chain. Where we have direct connection with livestock, poultry, and seafood suppliers, we will expand our resources and capabilities to help producers better identify beneficial systems they can adopt to attenuate impacts while providing economic and operational benefits.

For further information on our supplier relationships and the systems we have in place to ensure their alignment to our sustainability strategy, please see Responsible Sourcing.

Case Studies:

JBS USA was the first U.S. beef company to achieve recognition across the supply chain in the cow-calf, feedyard/finisher, and processing segments from the U.S. Beef Industry Sustainability Framework. The Framework is widely adopted throughout the industry and
outlines the key areas of sustainability and improvement across the U.S. beef value chain. It is comprised of high-priority indicators, sector specific metrics and sustainability assessment guidelines.
Each year, Pilgrim’s Mexico hosts annual workshop meetings with current and potential suppliers of strategic sourcing categories to review current business, the probability of new provisions, and the development of new projects at Pilgrim’s. Topics of high relevance for both parties are shared, such as sustainability.
During these meetings, several projects are defined in which different Pilgrim’s departments and Pilgrim’s suppliers become aligned to the goals of the business, including the company’s Net Zero by 2040 pledge. Activities discussed in the 2022 workshops include the procurement of low-cost, responsibly produced soybeans for the business’ Del Día brand, the implementation of new facilities near Pilgrim’s processing plants to supply ingredients, and upcoming changes in packaging needs. In addition, the global Pilgrim’s leadership attended one of the meetings in 2022, and as a result, one of the attending Mexican suppliers is now supplying the company globally.
Friboi and Seara produce two television programs with content aimed at livestock farmers and growers, aired nationwide on Canal Rural.
The first, called O Giro do Boi, is a news program about current issues in beef cattle farming across Brazil, also providing updates on live cattle market prices. The second, Ligados & Integrados, is focused on poultry and pork supply chains. Both programs are recognized as trusted sources in their respective sectors.
The Social Biofuel Mark, a program created by the Brazilian Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA), is an initiative linked to the National Biodiesel Production Program (PNPB). It provides technical assistance to family cattle ranchers, helping them access markets to sell their produce, while also contributing toward a more sustainable energy mix and thereby reducing GHG emissions.
We support the program through a partnership between Friboi and JBS Biodiesel. In addition to guaranteeing the purchase of cattle, the objective of the project is to improve pastures, property management, herd management, and herd genetics through technical assistance. By purchasing cattle, the company obtains tallow, which is a byproduct of beef production and the second largest source of raw material for biodiesel production in Brazil. Including the beef value chain in the PNPB program has provided an economic stimulus in the region. It has also earned JBS Biodiesel a Social Biofuel Mark from the Brazilian government. Since integrating cattle farming into the program, in 2017, JBS has purchased more than 98,39 million de animals from 698 properties in 41 municipalities served by the program and has invested approximately R$ 7 million in providing free technical assistance to farmers focused on efficient and responsible production.
Launched in 2020, our Fazenda Nota 10 initiative provides training on high-performance management to beef cattle farmers in Brazil, helping them to maximize results. The program, developed in partnership with Instituto Inttegra, is available to cattle farmers throughout the country. With 416 farms currently enrolled, this is the largest group of cattle farmers ever engaged in an initiative of this kind in Brazil.
Aiming to optimize the production process, Fazenda Nota 10 offers participating ranchers productive and financial references relevant to the management of their property and team. Through education and technology, it positively impacts the productivity and profitability of properties participating in the program, showing what really impacts the business and directing paths towards more efficient livestock farming. The topics addressed include animal welfare, genetics, regenerative livestock farming, human resources, reproduction, and nutrition. Currently more than 450 ranchers are part of the program.